I love this little guy! He brightens up my counter space and makes me smile every time I twist his yellow head around. Yes, it's a Lego kitchen timer! He has 3 different faces that match up as time ticks away. I've had it for over a year now and I even gave one to my mom! It's a unique little conversation starter and seems to bring out the kid in everyone.
Lego makes a variety of kitchen items like ice cube trays, magnets, and even cake molds that look like the iconic building blocks we all played with as kids. I love browsing through the store and I especially love how they have the different bricks separated by color! You can purchase a container and fill it with any combination of pieces from the wall of Legos! How cool is that?! If you don't have a Lego store nearby, I recommend surfing on over to their website and checking out all of their neat stuff.

Happy Monday!
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