Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Crowning Jewels

As a kiddo, I lived in headbands. It was the only way I could really express myself (because I went to Catholic school and wore a uniform), and they were practical! They kept my long, unruly hair out of my eyes and off of my face. I can remember all sorts of headbands I used to have, from big, poufy bows to sophisticated tortoise shell numbers. They were definitely my go-to hair accessory. Nowadays, I don't typically sport headbands outside of the gym, but this one might just sway me.

Anthropologie has done it again, this time with a delicate, jewel encrusted elastic headband. It seems to be comfortable and functional, which of course is music to my ears. You have to click on the link and zoom in because this picture just doesn't do it justice. I could see myself pairing this with a simple t-shirt and jeans for a laid-back Sunday brunch or glamming it up for a night out on the town. Either way, I hope it finds its way into my wardrobe soon.

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