Monday, October 24, 2011

Five Minutes Peace

I really savor my quiet time in the mornings before I leave for work. If I have time, I like to take half an hour to have a cup of coffee, enjoy my breakfast, and catch up on my daily blog reads. Although it doesn't happen this way every day, I try to plan for this time at least three or four mornings during the week. It seems to make the rest of my day seem less rushed. Do you have an early morning routine before your day really gets going?


bestie said...

i try to do the same, but my hour is usually 20 minutes...and hopefully it's before the kiddos wake up. like now, i am going on 21 minutes with my coffee and computer...ahhhhhhhh. the calm before the halloween activities.

Kristin W said...

Ah, I really wish I didn't have to get up so early as a teacher. I do try to arrive at school early to get my mind right and ready for kiddos. You may have something going though...maybe I should take that extra snooze time and enjoy some me time.